Hank Laramee (1948-2006)
© 2006, spiral bound, 104 pgs.
Product #: LAR-01M - CLOSEOUT PRICING! Price: $15.00 |
Hank Laramee was a man of diverse talents and enthusiasms, and he lived
with creative gusto, a ready smile, a quick wit, and a genuine interest in others. This book provides
a sampling of Hank's prodigious output of tunes since the late 1980's and showcases his broad
musical influences and his love of New England folk dance traditions and of other cultures. Includes
107 reels, 44 jigs and 20 waltzes, “Approved for Contra Dancing!”
Reels & Marches | Key |
Applegate | D |
Artemus the Watchcat | A |
Ashfield Mountain | Em |
Asparagus Patch | Bm |
Awaiting Morgan | D |
Bandol | Dm |
The Black Scoter | Em |
Bound for Open Seas | G |
Branches of Hawthorn | Bm |
Burnished Cauldron | Em |
Cackle Hill | D |
Camargue | Am |
Cape Perpetua | Am |
Cassis | Em |
Chocolatier's Hornpipe | D |
Cinnamon | G |
The Clement Master's Praise | E |
Cobblestone Road | Dm |
Cottonwood | D |
Cross Eyed Dog | Em |
Cross Wind | G |
Danse de Joix | G |
Deuxieme Petite Dejeuner | A |
Don't Be Jumpin' to No Conclusions | Em |
Do Ptake Some Ptarmigan | Am |
Down East Coast | Em |
Duluth | G |
Early to Rise | A |
Easy Day | D |
The End of Chester | A |
Fairhaven | G |
The Fairminded Essayist | D |
Fair Morning | G |
Fest Noz | Gm |
A la Fin du Jour | D |
First Morning | D |
First One Up | E |
First Snow | Em |
Five Euro Tip | G |
Flowering Bough | Bm |
Give and Take | G |
Golden Opportunity | D |
The Good Life | D |
Green River Reel | Em |
Heceta Head | A |
High Desert Reel | D |
Hog Hollow Farm | Am |
Idolores | A Phrygian |
Jack Be Nimble | A |
January Day | A Dorian |
Kamanjara | G Dorian |
Kittery Point | Em |
Level the Keys | D |
Long Shot | G |
The Long Way Around | G |
Lorient | Dm |
Maddy at the Dance | D |
Marara | Gm |
Margaux | A |
Missoula | A |
Mocha | Dm |
Nehalem Bay | D |
Never Been Better | A |
Nightwatch | Dm |
North Sister Reel | D |
Once Around the Block | D |
The Other Devil's Name | A Phrygian |
Penny Pot | A |
Perpignan | Dm |
Piney Grove | A |
The Potter's Apron | A |
Prairie Smoke | D |
Quail in the Orchard | Dm |
Quick Wit | G |
Rambunctious | Dm |
Reel Douai | D |
Reel de Prosperite | A |
Reel Rene | A |
Removing Trepidation | A |
Rosebay | Em |
Salt Fire | D |
Schnoozle | A |
A Shake of Pepper | D |
Simon's Farewell | Dm |
Snake in the Grass | Dm |
Stewart Street | Em |
Straight from the Horse's Mouth | G |
Strawberry March | D |
Sublime Generosity | Em |
Tarascon | Dm |
Train to Narbonne | Dm |
Tribulation Meets Its Match | Dm |
Trip to Foix | G Dorian |
Turnips and Garlic | A |
Unpeg the Basket | Em |
Voyage au Toulon | Dm |
Wanderlust | Dm |
Water Jug | G |
Westway | D |
When All Else Fails | D/A |
When Bears Go Wandering | Am |
William Penn Crossing the Schuylkill | Am |
Winningpost | G |
A Winter's Journey | G Dorian |
With the Wind at Our Backs | D |
Yaquina Head | D Phrygian |
Zucchini Uprising | Em |
Jigs | Key |
Aix | Dm |
All the Stars and Comets | Am |
Artful Brother | Am |
Berkshire Jig | D |
The Brindled Fool | Em |
Cast Off Jig | A |
Casual Acquaintance | Am |
Cluain Meala | Am |
Coming Down the Road | A |
Cowries & Leopard Shells | Bm |
Crunniu na mBad | A |
Eye of the Falcon | Dm |
Genna's Jig | G |
Grasmere | A |
Head Over Heels | A |
Jacque's Jig | Bm |
Jump the Gate | A |
Kingfisher | G |
Logs for the Fire | G |
A Matter of Taste | G |
Merrier in the Morning | D |
The Millet Pillow | Bm |
Mrs. Fisher's Mosaic | G |
New Moon Jig | Dm |
None of That Here | E |
Northern Road | Em |
Our House | A |
Palavas | Gm |
Pushedback Chairs | D |
Road to Utopia | Em |
Roseland Jig | A |
Round Trip | D/Am |
Sa Ghairdin | D |
Sapphire | Am |
The Soapmaker's Portrait | Dm |
Stone Soup | G |
Summerside | D Dorian |
Trasna na Pairce | Bm |
Turning Toward the Dawn | Em |
Unexpected Journey | G |
Unquenchable Fire | Dm |
The Windy Shore | F#m |
Winterberry Jig | A Dorian |
Zala | Dm |
Waltzes | Key |
Autumn Woods | A |
Berceuse pour Amber | G |
Candlelight Waltz | G |
Centennial Waltz | G |
La Coeur Joyeux | D |
The Dark Forest | Bm |
Delata Waltz | D |
Dust of the Eastern Road | Dm |
Favored Places | D |
Sahalie | D |
Schottische Portlandia | Gm |
September Hambo | Dm |
Shawn and Kathy's Waltz | D |
Starlight Waltz | A |
Stars Upon the Sea | G Dorian |
Twilight on the River | A |
Upon the Homeward Sea | A |
Wealth Without Gold | G Dorian |
Wellspring | G |
When First the Crocus Bloom | G |